When is an oak not a (healthy) oak?

When is an oak not a (healthy) oak?

In Laughton Greenwood we are proud of our Giant Oaks and the large numbers of young English oaks growing all over the wood. But in amongst them we also have a European species that can gradually do damage to our oaks. The Turkey oak (Quercus cerris) is a deciduous...
Helping Laughton Greenwood Blossom

Helping Laughton Greenwood Blossom

Everyone who visits Laughton Greenwood agrees that it is a beautiful wood – but our ambition for 2024 & onwards is to increase the variety of tree species in the wood. Little by little we aim to introduce more blossom trees into the wood which will give additional...
Populating Poplars

Populating Poplars

…or helping to repopulate black poplars to  be more precise   The Black Poplar is one of Britain’s rarest trees and is at risk of becoming extinct. There are only 38 mature black poplars in Sussex and only 10,000 across the whole of the UK. Laughton...

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