An Ancient Woodland Management Technique
We have put up a deer fence at the eastern end of the wood to protect an area of newly coppiced hornbeam and sweet chestnut and oak saplings.
The practice of coppicing is an ancient woodland management technique of repeatedly felling trees at the base (or stool) and allowing them to regrow. Coppicing is a great tool for conservation as it offers benefits for wildlife and it increases the life of the trees. In some woods coppicing has been used for centuries to manage a wood.
As a group we are trying to increase the wildlife that visits our woods. Coppicing increases the amount of light that reaches the ground which allows more tree and plant species to grow. This provides food and shelter for butterflies and other insects, which in turn provides food for birds, bats and mammals.
The main threat to recently coppiced stools are hungry deer, which is why we have invested our precious funds on the new fence. So far we have occasionally seen that some deer squeeze under the fence. They squeeze in and later squeeze out. We have asked the company that installed the fence to peg and improve the bottom wire.
If you should see any deer inside the fence please let us know via email or drop us a message on Facebook and our Ranger will go and deal with it. Please DO NOT touch or damage the fence.
Written by Kris & Hayley
Photo credit – Steve Lewis
Volunteering With Laughton Greenwood
Laughton Greenwood is dependant on volunteers helping us to manage and look after the woodland for nature and humans. The volunteering session in the afternoon was a great example of what to expect at one of our monthly volunteering days. It’s a wonderful way to meet new like-minded people, learn new skills and spend a few hours in nature. Click HERE to find out more about how you can volunteer with us.